Digger Cloud

Digger Cloud
Cost per user per month$90/user/month (14 day free trial - no credit card needed)
Private Runners
Plan Storage
Apply Serialization
In-line plan policies (OPA)
Plan Preview
Concurrent runs
Drift Detection
Org-level policies (OPA)
Private VCS Support - GitHub, Gitlab & Bitbucket
Audit Log Retention
Compliance Frameworks
99.99% SLA
Dedicated Instance / VPC peering
Dedicated Support Engineer

Digger Self Managed

                                 Community Edition             Enterprise                  
License        Apache Licensed                EE licensed - Talk to us    
Unlimited Resources              
Private Runners                  
Plan Storage                    
Apply Serialization              
In-line plan policies (OPA)      
Plan Preview                    
Concurrent runs                  
Drift Detection                  
RBAC via OPA                    
Org-level policies (OPA)        
Private VCS Support - GitHub, Gitlab & Bitbucket        
Audit Log Retention              
Compliance Frameworks            
99.99% SLA                      
SAML, SSO & SCIM                
Dedicated Instance / VPC peering
Dedicated Support Engineer      


Do you separate OSS from Community, Cloud, and Enterprise plans?

All of Digger is open source, even the enterprise edition. The feature set of Digger cloud and Digger community edition is exactly the same, the difference is only where it is hosted.

To self-host the enterprise edition, however, you’d need to buy a license (same as with Gitlab and other commercial open-source products).

For anyone using Digger, are all of the enterprise features in the open source codebase?


If you pay for digger, what are you actually paying for, since you ask users to bring their own compute, and their own state?

We ask users to bring their own compute and state management system as we believe that the number of privileged environments in an organisation needs to be kept to a minimum. The orchestrator backend, therefore, does not have access to your cloud account, states, plans, tfvars, or any other sensitive data. So what you pay for if you are a paying customer is:

For Digger Cloud it for hosting of the orchestrator backend

For Digger Enterprise it is for Audit Log Retention, SAML, SSO & SCIM, Compliance Frameworks and Enterprise Support. Book a demo here if you’re interested.

How is a “user” defined for Digger Cloud?

A “user” of Digger Cloud is simply a dashboard user (someone who logged into https://cloud.digger.dev).

We truly value community feedback and suggestions. Feel free to join our slack if you have any questions that aren’t answered above.