Federated OIDC access
You can configure Digger to use OIDC instead of key-value pairs.
If you already have configured GCP for that, skip to step 5.
1. Create a Workload Identity Pool
A Workload Identity Pool is an umbrella entity for managing access in GCP. The best practice is to have a dedicated pool for each non-GCP environment.
2. Create a Workload Identity Provider
A Workload Identity Provider links an external identity like Github with your Google Cloud account. This lets IAM use tokens from external providers to authorize access to Google Cloud resources.
3. Create a Service Account and bind policies
A service account with relevant permissions will be impersonated by WIF. This allows Github action to impersonate the service account and get a token.
4. Add secrets to Github
Create 2 secrets in your Action Secrets with the following names:
5. Configure Digger workflow to use federated access
env var intead of the usual key pair. See oidc-gcp-example repo for more detail. Sample config below: